14 September 2024 :

Join “Tuesdays Against Executions,” a nonviolent hunger strike initiative by Iranian political prisoners starting in February 2024.
The initiative comes in response to the wave of executions of prisoners convicted of ordinary crimes and later extended to those for political reasons of Kurdish and Sunni youths.
They go on hunger strike in at least 18 prisons: Evin, Ghezel Hesar, Karaj, Khorramabad, Shiraz Military Prison, Khoy, Naqadeh, Tabriz, Urmia, Ardabil, Salmas, Saqqez, Baneh, Marivan, Kamyaran, Lakan Rasht, Qaemshahr and Vakilabad-Mashhad.
The prisoners also condemned the violent suppression of protests inside various prisons, such as the one in the women's ward of Evin Prison and the brutal crackdown on protesters in Lakan Prison in Rasht. They reiterated their determination to continue this struggle considering resistance against this “barbarism” their right and expressing solidarity with the families of those executed.
They appealed to “all conscientious individuals inside and outside the country” to rise up against the executions and support their initiative.
Hands off Cain supports this initiative and if you would also like to join in by striking every Tuesday you can let us know by providing the required information.
Only by addressing the Iranian regime's violent internal repression of its people can we expect to solve the Middle East crisis that has this theocracy as its most nefarious cause.
To join “Tuesdays Against Executions” send an email to specifying your First Name, Last Name, email, and the Tuesdays on which you would strike.


urgent actions