26 February 2007 :
Human Rights Watch said Saudi Arabia violated international law when it beheaded four Sri Lankan robbers and left their headless bodies on public display in Riyadh.“The execution of these four migrants, who had been badly beaten and locked up for years without access to lawyers, is a travesty of justice,” the report stated. “International law only allows the death penalty for the most serious crimes and in the most stringent of circumstances- and neither condition was met in this case.”
Amnesty International reported that two of the four may even have been unaware of their death sentences, Sharmila Sangeeth Kumara believed he had been sentenced to 15 years in prison. “Defendants sentenced to death must, under international law, have a meaningful right of appeal, but these men didn't get the most basic safeguards,” Human Rights Watch said.
Amnesty International has said that six other foreigners have been executed this year. They include three Pakistanis, two Iraqis and one Nigerian. Seven Saudi Arabians, including one woman, have also been executed.
(Sources: The Guardian, 23/02/2007)