03 January 2013 :
A Dhaka court sentenced five people to death for murdering Saudi Arabia embassy official Khalaf Al Ali.Dhaka Speedy Trial Tribunal-4 Judge Mohammad Motahar Hossain pronounced the verdict.
Khalaf, 45, a non-diplomatic official with the consular section of the embassy, was shot near his Gulshan residence on the night of Mar 5. He succumbed to his injuries a few hours later. A forensic report said the embassy official had died of excessive bleeding.
The police arrested four people in connection with the murder on July 25.
Assistant Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police's Detective Branch, Obaidul Haque, submitted a charge-sheet to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate's Court on Sep 20.
On Oct 31, a Dhaka court framed charges against five accused in the murder case. They are Saiful Islam Mamun, Al Amin, Akbar Ali, Rafiqul Islam and Selim Chowdhury. Chowdhury is currently absconding.
Al Amin, one of the accused, made a confessional statement at the CMM court on Sep 20. He said he, along with four others, were present during the murder, when an accused Saiful shot Khalaf.
(Sources: bdnews24.com, 30/12/2012)