19 May 2006 :
a court in Bogra, Bangladesh, sentenced six men to death for murdering a teenage girl after raping her at Prannathpur village in Adamdighi.Judge ATM Mesbahdoula handed down the death penalty in a crowded courtroom to Milon, Rabiul, Aslam, Mosaddek, Helal and Mannan, all in their 20s. They were also fined Tk 100,000 (1,150 EU) each.
According to the prosecution, Milon called his neighbour Shahnaz Akhter Begum out of her home in the evening of August 13, 2000 on the false pretence that she was wanted by Alam with whom she had a relationship.
As she came out of her home, the men wrapped her scarf around her mouth and took her to the bank of a nearby pond where they gang raped her and strangled her to death. Milon later admitted his guilt to the police in a confessional statement.