14 September 2009 :
drunk drivers caught in Shanghai will face a minimum 15 days in detention and a maximum death penalty, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau announced. The bureau said drunk drivers will now be charged with endangering public security, which carries the maximum penalty of death. Drunk drivers who have a blood-alcohol level of or more than 150 milligrams per milliliter, have a previous drunk-driving record or who refuse police checks will be detained for 15 days, fined 2,000 yuan (US$294) and have their driving license canceled for six months, Oriental Morning Post reported.The legal definition of drunk driving is driving with more than 80mg/ml of alcohol in the blood.
Drivers who are caught drunk driving twice in a year will have their driving license revoked for two years. Those who leave the scene of a traffic crash will be banned from holding a driving license, according to the report.
(Sources: Shanghai Daily, 10/09/09)