10 April 2006 :
the Falun Dafa Information Center revealed that, in response to public exposure, officials in China had begun a massive, deadly campaign to destroy evidence of concentration camps holding practitioners of Falun Gong; at the camps, the Falun Gong were killed after having their organs extracted for sale. The investigators said that hospitals in at least eight Chinese provinces were working overtime to perform a flurry of surgeries, excising detainees’ organs, so as to “cash in” on the bodies of the currently-held Falun Gong prisoners of conscience. Post operation, victims were to be killedand bodies cremated, or moved to other, hidden locations, Center spokesperson Erping
Zhang revealed.
The organ “harvesting” spree appeared directly connected to recent legislation in China, titled “Interim Regulation for Human Organ Transplant Practice,” that would in theory outlaw forced organ removal. The legislation was not due to come into effect until July 1—giving officials a three-month window for wanton seizure of organs. The new legislation, the Center noted, closely followed disclosures of one such concentration camp for Falun Gong, in the Sujiatun
district of Shenyang City, on March 6. A wealth of information surrounding the camps in China had emerged over the past month, with three sources from China testifying in grisly detail.
Informants thus far included a journalist from China; a hospital staff member from Sujiatun, whose husband performed the surgeries described above, on live prisoners; and a military doctor from the Shenyang military zone. The latter said that Sujiatun was just one of 36 such facilities throughout China, and said the number of Sujiatun detainees—Falun Gong adherents—reached a peak of 10,000 in early 2005.
Of the camps throughout China, the largest camp, codenamed “672-S,” was said to hold over 120,000 people, amongst which were Falun Gong and other prisoners of conscience. “Falun Gong practitioners… are no longer regarded as human beings, but as raw materials for commercial products,” the military doctor told The Epoch Times newspaper, adding that, “The Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee decided to treat Falun Gong practitioners as ‘class enemies’ and handle them in any manner that is economically profitable.”
The current round of investigations into the camps was being led by the Integrated Committee to Investigate the Secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp and the Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong in China, a civil group started by the Falun Dafa Association and Minghui website after the Sujiatun camp came to light.