09 June 2009 :
Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell has vetoed legislation that would have abolished the death penalty. Rell, 63, white, a Republican, said she opposed the bill as it wound through the General Assembly.She said capital punishment is appropriate for certain heinous crimes. ``We will not tolerate those who have murdered in the most vile, dehumanizing fashion,'' she wrote in a letter to lawmakers.
``We should not, will not, abide those who have killed for the sake of killing (or) those who have taken a precious life and shattered the lives of many more.''
Leaders of the Democrat-controlled General Assembly have said they don't have enough votes -- at least two-thirds of each legislative chamber -- to override Rell's veto. The bill passed the House 90-56 and the Senate 19-17.
(Sources: Associated Press, 05/06/2009)