08 September 2008 :
the European Parliament approved a resolution on the worrying increase in executions in Iran.For Marco Cappato, Radical European Parliamentarian, “the situation of human rights and, in particular, the terrible pratice of the death penalty against minors and political opponents proves the even greater danger of the fundamentalist and dictatorial Mullah's regime. While many attempt to stop the threat to peace and world security represented by Ahmadinejad, few intend stop the daily threats practiced for decades by the regime in Tehran against its own people. In order not to nullify the extraordinary victories by the UN on the universal Moratorium on capital punishment, it is extremely urgent that governments -above all those from Europe – demonstrate the will to concretely respect the moratorium in all circumstances.”
1) the Resolution that will be presented at the next UN General Assembly will contain the request to all States that still employ the death penalty that they make available to the UN Secretary General and to the general public all information regarding the death penalty and executions, overcoming the state secret on the death penalty that is also one of the main reasons for a large number of executions;
2) the new UN resolution foresees the creation of a Special Envoy by the Secretary General, that has the task of monitoring the situation, to assure the maximum transparency in the death penalty system and to favour internal trials to realise the United Nations resolution on the Moratorium on capital punishment.
(Sources: Radicali.it, 04/09/2008)