26 January 2010 :
two Indian nationals were sentenced to death in Dubai for slashing the throat of Indian sales executive Y.A., stealing his wallet and leaving the dead body in his car.Driver C.S., 31, and worker T.A., 23, were sentenced by Presiding Judge Hamad Abdul Latif Abdul Jawad.
C.S. confessed to the murder over repaying an old debt.
"The jury did not find any reason to show leniency or mercy and unanimously handed out fair and just capital punishment against the two Indian men, 31-year-old driver C.S. and 23-year-old worker T.A., for preplanning the intentional manslaughter of Indian sales executive Y.A., and stealing his wallet and mobile phone.
The jury concluded that the accused carried out the crime in cold-blood after C.S. breached the trust between him and the victim, who had lent him money and entrusted his car key to him," read the Dubai Court of First Instance's verdict sheet.
(Sources: GulfNews.com, 26/01/2010)