08 June 2009 :
An Egyptian court sentenced seven people from two feuding families to death for their role in revenge killings in the Nile Delta last year that killed 12 people, court sources said.The sources said the two families had long been at odds, and tensions erupted after the Berbere clan refused to let the rival Kalafeen family dig an irrigation canal through their land and built a wall that limited access to both families' plots.
Angry over the dispute, a member of the Kalafeen family killed two people from the rival clan last year. Shortly afterward, members of the Berbere family shot dead 10 members of the Kalafeen family and burned their homes and fields, court sources said.
The Egyptian court sentenced one member of the Kalafeen family to death for the first two killings, and ordered the executions of six members of the Berbere family over the revenge shootings that followed.
(Sources: Reuters, 08/06/2009)