11 July 2014 :
Eddie Davis, 45, White, was executed. He had been sentenced to death on June 30, 1995 for the March 3, 1994 rape and murder of 11-year-old Kimberly Waters, his girlfriend's daughter.On June 26 the Florida Supreme Court ordered to hold a hearing on whether it would have been unconstitutional to use a lethal injection drug on Davis.
Davis maintained that he suffered from the medical condition porphyria and that use of the first drug administered during lethal injection would have caused him extreme abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. On July 1, Polk Circuit Judge Donald Jacobsen rejected the appeal, and on July 7 the State Supreme Court upheld the rejecting decision.
Davis was the 7th person executed in Florida this year, the 88th to be put to death in Florida since the state resumed capital punishment in 1979, the 24th to be put to death this year in the USA and the 1383rd overall since the nation resumed executions on January 17, 1977.
(Sources: Washington Post & Rick Halperin, 10/07/2014)