07 December 2016 :
William Sallie, 50, White, has been executed by lethal injection at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison.Sallie's death occurred at at 10:05 p.m..
The U.S. Supreme Court denied a stay of execution for Sallie shortly after 9:30 p.m.. Sallie was scheduled to die by lethal injection at 7 p.m., but Georgia does not act until all courts have weighed in, which usually puts the actual time of death well into the night and sometimes into the early morning hours of the next day.
Sallie was convicted of murdering his father-in-law John Moore on March 29, 1990, wounding Linda Moore (his mother-in-law), and kidnapping and raping his estranged wife Robin and her sister during a custody fight with his estranged wife.
He was sentenced to death on May 2, 1991 in Bacon County. In court filings and a clemency petition, Sallie's lawyers wrote that the domestic turmoil in William and Robin Sallie's lives was much like that lived by a juror who denied ever being embroiled in a volatile marriage, a custody dispute or domestic violence. When the woman was questioned during jury selection for the Sallie murder trial, she said her marriages - 4 of them - had ended amicably. That juror also told an investigator for Sallie's lawyers that she pushed 6 fellow jurors to change their votes from life in prison to death, making the jury's decision unanimous. In numerous filings, Sallie's lawyers tried to get a hearing on the issue of juror bias, which has not been argued in any court because Sallie missed a critical deadline to bring that appeal. Sallie's attorney Jack Martin said that deadline came at a time when Sallie did not have a lawyer, as Georgia law does not mandate that the state pay for appellate attorneys for death row inmates.
Sallie becomes the 9th inmate to be put to death this year in Georgia, the 69th overall since the state resumed capital punishment in 1983, the 19th to be put to death this year in the USA and 1441st overall since the nation resumed executions on January 17, 1977.
There is 1 more execution scheduled in the country this year, as Ronald Smith Jr. faces death in Alabama on Dec. 8th. The nation carried out 28 executions in 2015. There are 7 executions scheduled for January, 2017.
Georgia leads the nation in executions this year. Texas is 2nd, with 7 executions in 2016.