07 March 2007 :
inspired by Iranian Nobel Prize Shrin Ebadi's plea, Hands Off Cain decided to dedicate this year's International Women's Day, March 8, to all Iranian woman, particularly to the activists arrested last Sunday.Elisabetta Zamparutti, the treasurer of both Hands off Cain and the Italian Radicals (the only political party fully led by women) said:
"We dedicate March 8 to all Iranian women, who pay the very high price of living in an authentic theocracy, which is misogynous by definition.
Iran is the country with the highest number of executions, second only to China. Women suffer the worst violations of basic principles of international rights, such as capital punishment by stoning for adulterous women and the reaching of the legal age for 9-year old girls.
The Iranian mullahs leading the country will certainly not guarantee that human and civil rights for women are respected in Iran. It is the international Community that should commit to ensuring that the right to life is granted to Iranian women and men, along with those democratic rights and freedoms that are at the basis of the international community we all belong to".
(Sources: HOC, 07/03/2007)