Joseph Wood

25 July 2014 :

Sergio D’Elia, Secretary of Hands off Cain, said: "The execution of Joseph Wood in Arizona is just the latest in a series of botched executions in the United States. By now the lethal drugs are provided to the prisons only by compounding pharmacies, the identification of which is prevented by newly adopted “secrecy laws” aimed at blocking the initiatives of human rights groups. Human right groups in the recent past succeeded in putting pressure over major multinational pharmaceutical companies so they would not sell their products to the prison system for executions.
It is bad enough that the oldest democracy in the world, the United States, retains the death penalty, but it is even more disturbing to witness the horrible consequences of the alleged civilization of lethal injection.
Now that the myth of a painless, gentle and humane way to “make justice” has vanished, it remains a last, decisive step: getting rid once and for all of the archaic system of the death penalty, that is the aberration of a State who wants to punish Cain but in doing so it becomes Cain itself . The paradox of trying to safeguard Abel, but getting the result of creating new Abeles."

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