15 December 2009 :
Matthew Eric Wrinkles was executed at Indiana State Prison in Michigan City. Wrinkles, 49, white, was convicted in the July 21, 1994 murdering of his wife, Debra Jean Wrinkles, 31; her brother, Mark "Tony" Fulkerson, 28; and Fulkerson's wife, Natalie "Chris" Fulkerson, 26.Outside the prison, a half-dozen members of the Duneland Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty bundled up against the frigid cold Thursday night to protest. Wrinkles becomes the 1st condemned inmate to be put to death in Indiana this year and the 20th overall since the state resumed capital punishment in 1981. Wrinkles becomes the 52nd condemned inmate to be put to death this year in the USA and the 1188th overall since the nation resumed executions on January 17, 1977.
(Sources: Associated Press & Rick Halperin, 11/12/2009)