23 January 2014 :
In Indonesia, a Supreme Court panel of judges has upheld the death sentence of Second. Pvt. Mart Azzanul Ikhwan for the murder of his pregnant girlfriend and her mother.“He has mocked the essence of human rights, that is, the right to live, by murdering three people: the girlfriend, her mother and his own unborn child. We can’t find any argument or evidence that could excuse the defendant,” judge Gayus Lumbuun said.
The other members of the panel were presiding judge Maj. Gen. (ret) Imron Anwari and Maj. Gen. (ret) Burhan.
The only avenue left open to Azzanul is to file for a case review, meaning that he would need to either prove the judges used the wrong grounds to consider his case or present new evidence that would prove him innocent.
(Sources: Jakarta Post, 22/01/2014)