23 September 2013 :
According to the official website of the Iranian Judiciary in Qazvin, four prisoners were hanged in the prison of Qazvin.Three of the prisoners were convicted of drug related charges while the fourth prisoner was convicted of murder, said the report.
The report identified the prisoners as: "F. N." (28) convicted of possession of "some amounts of Crystal" and had been involved in manufacturing alcoholic beverages and other drug related cases.
"B. N." (43) for possession of 2387 grams of crystal; "R. M." (34) for possession of 938 grams of crystal; "B. A." (26) convicted of murder in 2008.
In addition, at least five prisoners were hanged in the prison of Zahedan (southeastern Iran) on September 21, according to the website of "Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran" (HRDAI).
According to the official website of the Iranian Judiciary in Yazd (central Iran) eight prisoners were hanged in the prison of Yazd on September 19. All these prisoners were convicted of drug related charges and there were three women among them said the report.
According to this report the prisoners were identified as: "R. H." and "M. Sh." charged with participation in possession and trafficking of 10 kilograms of heroin; "T. Y." for trafficking of 920 grams of heroin; "R. B." for possession and trafficking of 2800 grams of heroin; "Z. S." (woman) for possession and trafficking of 4 kilograms of heroin; "N. S." (woman) for possession and trafficking of 2050 grams of crack and 495 grams of heroin; "S. H." (woman) for participation in possession and trafficking of 1970 grams of heroin; "Z. S." for drug addiction and possession and trafficking of 630 grams of heroin and 51 grams of opium and cannabis.
(Sources: Iran Human Rights, 21/09/2013)