17 March 2010 :
Abdolreza Ghanbari, accused of heretics (moharebeh) in Iran for participation in Ashura Day protests, has been sentenced to death by Judge Salavati. International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran has been informed that Ghanbari did not have access to a fair trial and has not had the possibility to select and talk to an attorney in compiling his defense.International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran asks the Iranian Judiciary authorities to provide conditions for a fair trial such as free access to a selected attorney for individuals such as Abdolreza Ghanbari, and to refrain from rushing suspects whose charges have no reasonable relation to their sentences to the noose.
Ashura, which is the holiest religious day in Iran, turned into one of the bloodiest days of the year on December 27, 2009; at least seven protesters were killed and hundreds were arrested.
Alireza Ghanbari is 42 years old and is from the poverty-stricken area of Ghiamdasht in Varamin. Ghanbari is a teacher and it is said that his only “crime” has been to participate in the public protests of Ashura Day and chanting slogans against Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader. After his arrest on Ashura Day, he was detained at the “2-A” Security Ward, related to IRGC’s Intelligence unit.
He was tried on January 30, 2010 without his family’s knowledge and without the right to select an attorney or to meet with his family. In his trial court presided by Judge Salavati, he admitted to participating in the Ashura Day protests and other matters. A person who follows Ghanbari’s case closely told the Campaign that Ghanbari’s confessions have been extracted under pressure and torture. He has been denied the right to an attorney and has recently been transferred to Evin Prison’s General Ward.
Like the other cases the Tehran Prosecutor referenced, Ghanbari’s case is currently in appeals court.
(Sources: iranhumanrights.org, 17/03/2010)