15 April 2014 :
the regime's judiciary in the city of Isfahan condemned another man to have his eyes gouged, state-run news agency ISNA reported.The man had been convicted of deliberately pouring acid on the face of a woman named Massoumeh Ataei which caused her to lose eyesight.
The Iranian regime's judiciary officials have publicly defended their judicial law of cutting off of hands and feet, removal of a defendant’s eye, and even stoning.
On 10 April, Mohammad-Javad Larijani, the head of “Human Rights Council”, said: “The problem is that the West does not understand that Qisas (law of retribution) is different from execution. We are not ashamed of stoning or any of the Islamic decrees. No one has the right to tell a judge to avert some sentences because the United Nations gets upset. We should firmly and seriously defend the sentence of stoning.”
He added: "Retaliation and punishment are beautiful and necessary things. It’s a form of protection for the individual and civil rights of the people in a society. The executioner or the person carrying out the sentence is in fact very much a defender of human rights. One can say that there is humanity in the act of retaliation."
(Sources: NCRI, 12/04/2014)