21 January 2010 :
female Kurdish prisoner, Shirin Alam Holi (Alamhooli), 28, was sentenced to death charged for Moharebeh (at war with God) due to cooperation with the Kurdish opposition group "PJAK" and 2 years of prison for illegal exit from the country.She was sentenced to death by Judge Salevati of Branch 15 of Tehran’s Revolutionary Court.
Holi, from Deym Shalagh near Makoo, was arrested on May 26, 2008, and has been severely tortured.
She was arrested in May 2008 and held 21 days at the revolutionary guards detention centre and 5 months in the 209 section of Tehran’s Evin prison (a section where political and security tagged prisoners are held) and then transferred to the women section of the prison.
(Sources: IranHumanRights.org, 21/01/2010)