10 July 2012 :
Four prisoners have been hanged in Iran for drug-related crimes.The first three prisoners were hanged in the prison of Qazvin (west of Tehran) on July 9. According to the official web site of the Iranian judiciary in Qazvin, three prisoners identified as "H. B." and "Gh. S." convicted of participation in keeping and transporting 2680 grams of heroin, and "M. Sh." convicted of selling 68 kilos and 200 grams of opium.
According to the state run Iranian news agency Fars one prisoner was hanged in the prison of Baft (in southeastern Iranian province of Kerman) on July 8. According to the report the prisoner was identified as "Kh. J." and was convicted of "smugling morphine".
Age of none of the prisoners was mentioned in the report.
The charges have not been confirmed by independent sources.
(Sources: Iran Human Rights, 09/07/2012)