16 May 2016 :

Iran is continuing its heightening execution spree, hanging at least four more prisoners in the past three days.
On May 14, three prisoners were hanged in the Central Prison of Rasht, northern Iran, according to the regime's judiciary in Gilan Province. The victims were identified only by their initials and ages: A. A., 22; E. Sh., 26; and H. P., 31.
On May 12, Behnam Mohammadi, 35, was hanged in Maragheh Prison, north-west Iran, after serving five years behind bars. He was accused of a drugs-related charge.
Iran on May 9 amputated the fingers of a man in his thirties in the city of Mashhad, north-east Iran.
The state-run Khorasan newspaper identified the man by his initials M. T., adding that he was 39 years old. The prisoner was accused of theft and is also serving a 3-year jail sentence.

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