01 February 2010 :
Ahmad Jannati, Secretary of the iranian clerical regime’s Guardian Council and a leading figure in the faction affiliated to Khamenei, reiterated in his Friday prayers sermon on the need to uphold the “velayat-e faqih” (absolute rule of clergy), State-run news agencies reported.By referring to the nationwide uprising he said, “Rioters… advocates of corruption on earth… those who try to shatter the structure [of the regime]… the enemies of the revolution who intend to topple [the regime]… must not be treated with compassion. Kindheartedness is enough, it is now time for toughness.”
Fearing the planned uprising on the occasion of the anniversary of the 1979 revolution in February, he addressed the head of the judiciary saying, “As you swiftly executed two moharebs (enemies of God), you must act firmly with the rest of them too… if the rioters are not dealt with firmness and strongly, a more grim future is awaiting us.”
In a devious attempt to justify the inhuman crimes of the regime, Jannati said, “God says that you must bitterly attack and kill three groups of people if they do not stop the way they behave. They are: Monafeqin (literally meaning hypocrites, a derogatory term usually used by the regime in reference to PMOI), people with ill intentions, and those who spread rumors. Using harsh and firm terms, God says that these three groups of people must be killed with no mercy.” He then added, “The reason for what happened on [the holy day of] Ashura was due to the fact that we have so far acted with weakness. If we continue showing weakness, we are going to face problems, therefore we must stand firm”.
In the meantime, mullah Hassani, Khamenei’s representative in the western city of Orumieh, expressed his satisfaction with the execution of political prisoners and said, “In order to prevent further riots, the corpses of those executed must be put on display before the eyes of public in the streets of Tehran.” He added, “The tongues of those who say ‘Iranian Republic’ instead of ‘Islamic Republic’ must be cut off.”
(Sources: NCRI, 30/01/2010)