28 July 2016 :
Iran's regime hanged a group of six prisoners in a jail in north-western Iran and a seventh prisoner in the north-east of the country.The six men were hanged at 2am on July 27 in the central prison in the city of Orumieh (Urmia), the provincial capital of Iran's Western Azerbaijan Province.
They had been transferred to solitary confinement on July 26 in preparation for their execution.
They were identified as: Rahman Fouladi, Abdolmajid Herkuli, Abdollah Qaderi, Changiz Shiri, Mojtaba Shirkhani and Ali Talati.
They were accused of drugs-related charges.
A seventh man, identified as Reza Sabzevari, 32, from the town of Nishabur (Nishapur), was executed in the nearby city of Mashhad in north-eastern Iran. He had two children aged two and 10 and had been locked up in Mashhad Prison for some 18 months.
(Sources: NCRI, 27/07/2016)