17 November 2014 :
Six more prisoners were hanged in Iran as the execution rate soars under so-called 'moderate' Hassan Rouhani.Two men named as Vahid Shahbakhsh and Mahmoud Shahbakhsh were hanged in the main prison in the city of Zahedan, south-eastern Iran.
Vahid, in his 30s, had been sentenced to three years in prison plus execution and was held in section 4 of the prison.
Mahmoud, 26, had been sentenced to death was being held in section 1 of the prison.
Both men were classified as 'security' prisoners, a term the Iranian regime uses for the inmates that are not being held as criminals. There is no information available on any legal process the men may have gone through.
Further reports received from inside the regime said another prisoner named as Bahador Niroomand was hanged in the main prison in the city of Bandar-Abbas on the same day.
Three more prisoners named as Morteza Rostami, Hooshang Saki and Mohammad Gholampour were also hanged in Shahab prison in city of Kerman on November 13.
The surge in secret executions in Iran comes as the regime claimed it would allow two United Nations human rights experts into the country - but the UN's Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran Dr Ahmad Shaheed.
Dr Shaheed has made repeated requests to visit Iran since his appointment at the UN in 2010, but all have been denied.
He has also published numerous reports on the gross violations of human rights in Iran, and has been the target multiple personal attacks, crude insults and defamatory remarks by the regime's highest officials.
He wrote in an article in April: "The attacks against me and other UN officials pale in comparison to those often reported by Iranians who exercise their fundamental rights to free expression, belief, assembly and association."