19 December 2012 :
Death sentences for 28 people accused of terrorism-related offences were reportedly ratified in Iraq by one of the vice-Presidents, the last step in the judicial process. They are at risk of imminent execution.Earlier this month it has been reported that about 40 death row prisoners were transferred to al-Kadhemiya Prison in Baghdad where executions are carried out.
Iraq has executed at least 129 people in 2012, the highest number since 2005. As in previous years, hundreds were estimated to have been sentenced to death, or had death sentences upheld by the courts.
“Death sentences are being flung out after grossly unfair trials relying on ‘confessions’ obtained under torture,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Programme’s Deputy Director.
“Instead of carrying out executions, the Iraqi authorities should prioritize fixing its deeply flawed criminal justice system.”
Some Iraqi television stations continue to broadcast self-incriminating testimonies of detainees even before the opening of a trial, undermining the fundamental right of defendants to be considered innocent until proven guilty.
(Sources: amnesty.org, 18/12/2012)