29 September 2009 :
Tetsuya Shiroo’s death sentence for murdering Nagasaki Mayor Iccho Ito was commuted to life imprisonment by Japan’s Fukuoka High Court.Presiding Judge Shoichi Matsuo noted to the irrational nature of the crime. Shiroo shot the mayor twice on April 17, 2007, over a grudge about money.
In 2008, the Nagasaki District Court had sentenced Shiroo to death for his act, but his lawyers argued that as this was his only murder and his intent was not to steal money from Ito, his sentence should be reduced.
The defendant was involved in gang activities in Japan and had apparently decided to murder Iccho after the city government refused to extend loans to a company he was involved with and after he received no compensation after his car was damaged at a public road works project.
(Sources: Xinhua, 29/09/2009)