22 December 2016 :
Jordan's Deputy Director General of the State Security Court sentenced the killer of writer Nahed Hattar to death by hanging, al-Ghad newspaper reported.Military judge Ziad al-Adwan added in a statement that the court had also investigated a second defendant who sold the weapon to the murderer, and a third defendant who acted as a middle-man in buying the weapon. Each were sentenced to one year in jail and fines.
Riad Ismail Abdullah, the primary suspect in Hattar's murder was convicted on charges of carrying out acts of terrorism, murder, and carrying and possession of a firearm without a license.
Hattar was gunned down on September 25 on the steps of the supreme court, and Abdullah was arrested immediately after committing the crime.
The prosecutor general of the State Security Court concluded its investigation on October 18 and referred the case file to the court for sentencing.