21 March 2012 :
Lebanon’s Military Tribunal sentenced a Lebanese man to death in absentia and two others to hard labor for collaborating with Israel and providing it with information about Hezbollah's bases in south Lebanon.Brig. Gen. Khalil Ibrahim sentenced Ahmad Husein Abdallah to death in absentia, Hussein Mohammad Ali Musa to seven years of hard labor and Jaafar Halawi to three years of hard labor.
The three men had been convicted of collaborating with Israel, providing it with information regarding Hezbollah's bases in south Lebanon and political figures in the country, as well as engaging in secret machinations and helping the Jewish State to triumph militarily over Lebanon.
The period of their collaboration extended from shortly after the 2006 war between Lebanon and Israel until 2009. During that time, Musa provided Israel with information regarding Hezbollah bases in various areas of the country. Musa’s contact with Israel was severed in 2009 when he lied to an unnamed Israeli officer about his whereabouts.
(Sources: The Daily Star, 20/03/2012)