07 February 2011 :

Senator Marco Perduca, member of HOC’s Board of Directors, is participating in a meeting with the International Commission Against the Death Penalty (ICDP) with representatives of relevant NGOs, held today in Madrid.
ICDP was established last October in Madrid with the objective of promoting, complementing or supporting any action that aims to obtain the universal abolition of the death penalty around the world.
The meeting today is under the ambit of work scheduled for the 3rd and 4th of February at Viana palace in Madrid.
ICDP President is: Mayor Zaragoza, Federico (Spain). Former Director General of UNESCO and President of the Cultural Foundation for Peace.
ICDP Members are: Amato, Giuliano. (Italy). Former President of the Council of Ministers of Italy.
Arbour, Louise. (Canada). President of the International Crisis Group. Former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Badinter, Robert. (France). Former Minister of Justice of France.
Bedjaoui, Mohammed. (Algeria). Former Foreign Minister of Algeria.
Dreifuss, Ruth. (Switzerland). Former President of the Swiss Confederation.
Duvivier Pierre-Louis, Michèle. (Haiti). Former Prime Minister of Haiti.
Jahangir, Asma Jilani. (Pakistan). President of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.
Kuçuradi, Ioanna. (Turkey). UNESCO Chairperson of the Philosophy and Human Rights Department and Director of the Center of Research and Implementation of Human Rights in Maltepe University (Turkey).
Macapagal-Arroyo, Gloria. (Philippines). Former President of the Republic of the Philippines.
Mattarollo, Rodolfo. (Argentina). Former Deputy Secretary for Human Rights in Argentina. Currently UNASUR Ambassador in Haiti.
Richardson, Bill. (USA). Governor of New Mexico.

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