03 July 2012 :
An Iranian businessman was sent to the gallows by a High Court in Malaysia for trafficking 2kg of methamphetamine.Akbar Jafarishorestani Moham-mad, 32, looked sombre when the death sentence was meted out by High Court judge Justice Zamani Abdul Rahim.
Justice Zamani found him guilty of trafficking in 2,032.8gm of methamphetamine at the Penang Internatio-nal Airport at 11.30am on Jan 9 last year.
It was earlier reported that Akbar was arrested after Customs officers found a packet of drugs in the lining of a backpack in his possession.
In his judgment, Justice Zamani said Akbar’s defence was riddled with falsehood and half-truths. “The accused has failed to cast reasonable doubt on the prosecution’s case,” he said.
DPPs Zuraidah Zakaria and Athirah Che Abu Bakar prosecuted while Akbar was represented by Gooi Soon Seng.
(Sources: thestar.com.my, 30/06/2012)