17 December 2012 :
Two Iranian men were sentenced to death by the High Court in the State of Selangor, Malaysia, for trafficking in drugs.Judge Datuk Nurchaya Arshad sentenced Kamran Nemati Hossein, 28, a shoemaker, and Farshad Karami Ramezan, 20, a shoe salesman, after finding them guilty of trafficking in 1,483gm of methamphetamine at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport arrival hall at 11pm on July 23, 2010.
She said the prosecution had proven the case beyond reasonable doubt.
"The only sentence for trafficking in drugs," she said.
DPP Fazillah Begum Abdul Ghani prosecuted while counsel Ariff Azami Hussein and T. Vijayandran represented Kamran and Farshad, respectively.
A total of seven witnesses testified in the trial.
(Sources: nst.com.my, 14712/2012)