24 September 2007 :

The Transnational and Transparty Non Violent Radical Party issued a statement regarding the indefinite hunger strike of its members.
“The Radicals have, in vain, conducted a lengthy and indefinite hunger strike for the 13th consecutive year. The purpose is to stop the infinite delay of the presentation and vote on the Universal Moratorium on capital punishment at the 61st UN General Assembly. We will return to our ‘indefinite hunger strike strategy’ as of tomorrow.
This week, the Italian Government and the Italian and European Parliaments have endured the delays, errors and irresponsible behaviour of the current European Union Presidency. This jeopardises the success of the Universal Moratorium at the 62nd UN General Session, opening September 24th in New York. The Moratorium has already been adopted, in law or in practice, by more than 140 of the 192 member states.
The Italian Government has been excluded by the Portuguese Presidency from the management of this initiative, in open violation of the resolution of the European Parliament and the Council of General Affairs (the 27 EU Foreign Affairs Ministers). Even now the Italian Government is excluded from the negotiation for the preparation of the Resolution (text and signatures) and its submission on September 24th. This is a condition that, for Ambassador Fulci, is of the ‘upmost importance’. Like the others.
Tomorrow morning, the Radicals will send an official letter to the Council President and to the Foreign Minister. The letter criticises Italy’s inadequate opposition to the situation, as also happened with the D’Alema and Berlusconi Governments in 1999 and 2003. We feel obliged to also forward this letter to the President of the Republic and the Presidents of the Houses of Parliament.”

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