13 July 2012 :
the President of "Moroccan Coalition against the Death Penalty", Abderrahim El Jamai, has asked the government to honor its international commitments and sponsor the Resolution on moratorium on the use of the death penalty, which will be put to a vote of the UN General Assembly in December.El Jamai said the government must quit the usual vote of abstention, which would be "an unacceptable political position."
Speaking at a seminar on "Parliament and the abolition of the death penalty", organized at the Chamber of Deputies, jointly, by the Authenticity and Modernity party (PAM) and the Moroccan Coalition against the death penalty, El Jamai has recommended the establishment of a group of supporters of the abolition, with the goal of being the vanguard in the defense of the provisions of the Constitution and international treaties on human rights, even appealing, if necessary, to the Constitutional Court.
For his part, Ouahbi Abdellatif, chairman of the PAM parliamentary group, said that - despite the significant progress made by Morocco at constitutional level, since Article 20 of the Constitution of 2011 affirms life as a fundamental right - the real challenge is how addressing the issue at legislative level.
(Sources: www.menara.ma, 07/19/2012)