15 May 2014 :
With its 1st attempt stalled in the Senate, the House has voted for the 2nd time this year to repeal New Hampshire's death penalty. The House first voted 225-104 in March to pass House Bill 1170. Last month, the Senate split 12-12 on whether the repeal should move forward; that bill was tabled.Today the vote was 218-117 to require anyone convicted of capital murder to be sentenced to life in prison. The vote sends the bill back to the Senate.
The bill's prime sponsor, Rep. Renny Cushing, D-Hampton, said since last month several events have occurred that might make at least 1 senator change his or her mind - a botched execution in Oklahoma and a National Academy of Sciences report concluding that between 1973 and 2004, more than 4 % of those sentenced to death were innocent.
Time is running out before the session ends June 5.
(Source: WMUR, Union Leader, 14/05/2014)