31 August 2010 :
Under the Racial Justice Act 147 of the 159 inmates on death row used the law to request that their sentences be converted to life without parole.This month, under the fledgling Racial Justice Act, all but a dozen of the 159 inmates on North Carolina's death row used the historic law to request that their sentences be converted to life without possibility of parole because of racial bias in their trials and sentencing.
None of the racial bias claims filed under the year-old Racial Justice Act, 1 of only 2 laws of its kind in the country (the other is Kentucky), has gone before a judge.
The deadline for death row inmates to file claims was Aug. 10, and according to the latest count by the state attorney general's office, 147 inmates - 82 black, 53 white and 12 of other races - are seeking relief.
(Sources: The Sun News, 22/08/2010)