21 February 2014 :
Quinnipiac Poll says Ohioans favor the death penalty unless they have options. When asked if they favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder, 68% said “favor”, 26% oppose” and 6% “don’t know or not answer”. But when given additional options, such as life in prison with or without parole, 47 % prefer death, 36 % prefer life with no parole, 12% life with chance of parole and 5% “don’t know or not answer”. That means that 47% prefer death, but 48% a different sentence. And - though the percentages vary -- that's spread across Republicans, Democrats, men, women and all age groups. From February 12 - 17, 2014 Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,370 registered voters in Ohio with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points.(Source: WKSU news, cleveland.com, 19/02/2014)