01 September 2009 :
An anti-terrorism court (ATC) has awarded death sentence to two traffic policemen for raping and killing a three-year-old girl.The convicts have also been given a 10-year term in prison and a fine of Rs 100,000 each – to be paid to the heirs of the victim.
Noor Muhammad and Bashir Ahmed were tried by ATC-I for Karachi division, headed by judge Syed Hasan Shah Bokhari. Sana was reportedly raped and killed within the limits of Korangi Industrial Area police station. A neighbour saw the two men taking the girl to a room they had rented and informed the family. Upon arrest, the two policemen gave the location of the manhole where they had dumped the minor’s body.
The convicts pleaded in their defence that they were on duty at the time of the incident, which could be verified from their attendance sheet.
(Sources: Dailytimes.com, 31/08/2009)