26 July 2007 :
five convicts, including three brothers, were hanged for murder in the central Jail in Sahiwal, Pakistan, in the presence of a local magistrate, a medical officer and the Jail Superintendent. Brothers Zulfikar Ahmed, Falak-Sher and Muhammad Zafar were convicted of killing five members of a family on April 12, 1993, following a land dispute. The Anti Terrorism Court headed by Justice Muhammad Sharif sentenced them to death on July 12,1994, the High Court Multan Bench confirmed their sentence on April 29, 2003, rejecting their appeal. The Supreme Court of Pakistan on June 12, 2006, also rejected their appeal and the President of Pakistan turned down their clemency plea on June 14, 2007.The forth man, Abdul Hafeez, was hanged for killing his neighbour Rehm Ali, alias Rehmi, following a minor dispute.
Another convict was hanged on July 23, 2007, for killing his two brothers’ wives and their two daughters for not giving him money for drugs.
(Sources: Pakistan Press International, 25/07/2007)