11 December 2013 :
The anti-terrorist court in Taxila (Pakistan) sentenced four people to death for abducting and murdering a 16-year-old boy on August 29, 2012 from Utmanabad area in the limits of Hassanabdal police station.According to the prosecution, Rozi Khan, Salam Khan, Behram Khan and Gull Nawaz, residents of Swat, abducted Saleh Mohammad of Utmanabad on August 29.
They demanded a ransom of Rs10 million for his release, but later killed him and dumped the body in a well in Village Pind Mehri in the limits of Hassanabdal police.
The body was later recovered by the police on October 15.
The accused were traced through their mobile phone record and were found guilty in the subsequent investigation.
They were sentenced to death thrice in addition to 9 years imprisonment and Rs110,000 fine. Their propert was also confiscated.
(Sources: dawn.com, 10/12/2013)