09 October 2014 :
Hands off Cain will present on October 14 the English version of the 2014 Report on the Death Penalty in the World. The event will take place from 11 am at the European Parliament-Room P.5B001 Building Paul Spaak-V Floor, BruxellesWith the participation of:
ELISABETTA ZAMPARUTTI, Treasurer of Hands off Cain, former MP
WILLIAM SPENCER, Executive Director of the Institute for International Law and Human Rights
VALENTIN DJENTONTIN-AGOSSOU, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Benin
MARCO PANNELLA, ex MEP, leader of Nonviolent Radical Party Transnational and Transparty
Hands off Cain’s 2014 Report, edited by Reality Book, accounts of the most important facts regarding the practice of the death penalty in 2013 and the first six months of 2014.
Data shows that China, Iran and Iraq were the top three “Executioner-Countries” in the world in 2013, even if Iran is the absolute record holder of capital punishment by population. However, the most negative aspect to emerge from the 2014 Hands off Cain Report concerns the so-called liberal democracies, where the number of executions increased and the system of capital punishment is, for many aspects, covered by a veil of secrecy.
During the event, Hands off Cain will also present the objectives of its ongoing campaign for a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty in Africa, and proposals to strengthen the new Pro-Moratorium Resolution that will be voted by the UN General Assembly in December 2014.
“The Abolitionist of the Year 2014” Award, which is promoted by Hands off Cain to recognize the person, who, above all others, has demonstrated an extraordinary commitment in the struggle for a moratorium on executions and the abolition of the death penalty, is conferred this year upon Boni Yayi, President of the Republic of Benin.