26 August 2014 :
Prince Mishal Bin Abdullah, emir of Makkah, convinced the family of a murdered man to forgive their son’s killer and stop him from being executed.Abdullah Faraj Al-Mehmadi, who is in prison, killed Sami Ibrahim Al-Subahi three years before over a family dispute. Al-Subahi’s family welcomed Prince Mishal’s intercession and agreed to forgive Al-Mehmadi.
The legal heirs of the victim, who were present at Prince Mishal’s office in Jeddah, declared in front of the emir that they had pardoned the murderer. Nasser Al-Zahrani, executive director of the Dispute Reconciliation Committee, praised Prince Mishal for his intervention and extended his thanks to the victim’s family.
(Sources: saudigazette.com.sa, 26/08/2014)