21 November 2014 :
A killer who shot dead a policeman and soldier before donning a burkha in a bid to evade police was beheaded in Saudi Arabia. Salih bin Yateem bin Salih al-Qarni was executed in the southwestern city of Abha, the official Saudi Press Agency said. 'He shot them with a gun that he was carrying,' the SPA said, without explaining how he obtained the weapon.After stealing the keys from the security officer driving the vehicle, Qarni chewed some narcotic qat 'and disguised himself in women's clothing' in an attempt to flee, but was recaptured, it said.
Saudi women are required to cover from head to toe, often with only their eyes exposed. The report did not say when the escape bid occurred.
Qarni was intially arrested on other charges and was transported in an official vehicle by the soldier and a member of the Muttawa religious police.
Qarni is the latest of 69 Saudis and foreigners executed in the kingdom this year, despite international concern and condemnation for human rights groups.