11 April 2013 :
A woman of Somali origin suspected of being an American spy was executed through firing squad by a radical Islamist group, reports say.The woman, whose name was not given, was sentenced by a court run by the radical Al-Shabaab movement, which has strong links with Al-Qaeda.
Witnesses in Buloburte town, some 200 km north of the capital Mogadishu, said the shooting occurred Monday (April 8) morning at a town square in front of a large crowd.
"Hooded Al-Shabaab fighters aimed at and killed the woman who was tied to a pole,” a witness, who would not be named due to retaliation fears, told local media.
An Al-Shabaab militia leader who addressed the crowd later insisted that the woman was an American spy.
"We fully confirmed that she was spying for the America, the enemy of Allah, and for the government (in Somalia)," he said.
He added that his movement was aware of and pursuing other "spies" in Hiran region of Central Somalia.
Out of five districts in Hiran region, Al-Shabaab still controls three, including Buloburte.
(Sources: africareview.com, 09/04/2013)