13 June 2016 :
Al shabaab militants publicly executed seven men whom they accused of spying for Unites States Intelligence CIA and helping U.S. drones kill their leaders.The first execution took place at a square in the town of Bulo-fulay in Lower Shabelle region, where a firing squad has shot and killed three men, while the fourth was beheaded.
Al shabaab says the executed men have been found guilty of involving in the killing of senior militant leaders, including former leader Ahmed Godane by U.S. drone strikes in rebel-held areas in Southern Somalia.
Hundreds of residents have watched the execution event, which was carried out a squad of masked fighters belonging to Al shabaab who publicly executed three blind-folded men tied to poles in the square.
Separately, two men said to be Kenyan nationals and a Somali man have been publicly executed on June 10 by a firing squad in the Al shabaab controlled Jilib town, about 400Km south of Mogadishu.
The men who charged, prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to death at an Al shabaab court in Jilib town over accusations of being undercover agents for western intelligences.
On June 10 afternoon, Al shabaab firing squad has carried out the execution at a square, with dozens of residents, including children and women watching the killing.
An Al shabaab officials who spoke at the square, where the Kenyans and Somali man faced the firing squad said they will execute everyone found guilty of spying on the militants for foreign Intelligence services.
(Sources: mareeg.com, 11/06/2016)