Al shabab Fighters

30 April 2020 :

Al-Shabaab on 28 April 2020 publicly executed in Galgadud region three men for alleged espionage activities. The execution was carried out in the evening in open ground in the town of El Bur, the birthplace of Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire. The three are respectively: Ahmed Nurow Mohamed Herow (23), who was allegedly found guilty of conducting espionage activities for the South West State administration and guiding US drone attacks; Bashir Mohamed Dhagol (22), who was also allegedly responsible for guiding US drone attacks; while Bishar Ahmed Abdulle Holow (50), reportedly working for the HirShabelle State administration, was found guilty of spying for the US. The militant group Al-Shabaab has recently increased executions against individuals it accuses of being spies for the federal government or for foreign governments.


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