13 May 2011 :
"The number of executions in Iran is high because 74% of those executed are of drug traffickers who traffic drugs from Afghanistan to Western European countries," secretary general of the Iranian Supreme Council for Human Rights, Mohammad Javad Larijani, on a visit to South Africa, told reporters in Pretoria.International Relations Deputy Minister Ebrahim Ebrahim earlier raised concerns about human rights in Iran, during his meeting with Larijani.
Some of the issues Ebrahim wanted clarity on included "excessive" use of the death penalty, the stoning to death of a woman, Sakineh Ashtian, and the persecution of religious minorities, in particular the Baha'i.
Larijani said the death penalty would be reviewed only if the West participated in fighting the war against drug trafficking.
"We cannot win this war alone. If Europe is interested in the prevention of the trafficking of drugs, then it should participate in this war."
The other option was for Iran to ignore drug trafficking, Larijani said.
"We can close our eyes and drug traffickers can pass through Iran and go wherever they want to go and the number of executions in Iran will drop 74%. In fact, it will be very good for our reputation then."
Ebrahim said he was grateful that Larijani had detailed his council's and the Iranian government's efforts to address human right issues in the Islamic Republic.
(Sources: Sapa, 12/05/2011)