07 July 2014 :
The criminal court of Zalingei, the capital of Central Darfur, sentenced 12 members of the Sudan Liberation Movement, led by Abdel Wahid El Nur (SLM-AW), to death by hanging.The 12 rebels were taken prisoner during the battle of Faga Dakoh in Central Darfur last April, Mustafa Tambour, military spokesman for the SLM-AW, explained to Radio Dabanga.
Tambour described the trial as “incompatible with the rules of justice”. “The rebel troops should be treated as prisoners of war.” He stressed that the movement would strongly respond in case the verdict would be carried out.
The convicted rebel troops are El Rashid Mousa, Izzeldin Omar, Muawya Omar, Abdallah Abakar, Ahmed Hussein Gbabshan, El Nazir Abdallah Ahmed, Adam Idris, Ahmed Abakar, Ali Khamis Ahmed Abdel Karim, Mohamed Abdel Karim Ahmed, Mohamed Mousa El Nur Ahmed, and Ahmed Mousa Saleh.
(Sources: radiodabanga.org, 07/07/2014)