09 October 2014 :
Justice Minister Luo Ying-shay voiced her support for repealing the death penalty in Taiwan, roughly six months after five death-row inmates were executed after she assumed her post.There are civic organizations lobbying to abolish the death penalty, “however this is at some divergence from the majority opinion,” she told a Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statues Committee meeting, adding: “We cannot subjugate the wishes of the majority to that of a minority.”
She said that public surveys have shown that about 70 percent of the public approve of capital punishment, while about 20 percent oppose it.
“The minority's voice has grown louder while the majority's is not being heard, and the MOJ is at a stalemate as it is expected to amend the law,” said Luo.
As a government official, one should listen to the public's opinion instead of acting on one's own opinions, Luo said. “But as a Buddhist, I hope that ultimately the death penalty will be repealed in Taiwan.”
(Sources: The China Post and taipeitimes.com, 09/10/2014)