12 September 2007 :
a US man who killed his children has been put to death in the electric chair – the first such execution in Tennessee for 47 years.Daryl Holton, 45, shot his three sons and their half sister, aged four, six, 10 and 12, in the back in November 1997, following a custody dispute with their mother.
Holton, a supporter of the death penalty, dropped appeals against his conviction and opted for electrocution over lethal injection, Tennessee's main mode of execution.
Prison authorities said he was pronounced dead at about 1.25am, after receiving two jolts of electricity.
Holton's lawyer David Raybun said after the execution at Riverbend Maximum Security Institution that his client was now "free of the demons that haunted him".
Tennessee offers electrocution as an option for those sentenced to death for crimes committed before 1999.
The state's electric chair was last used in 1960, when convicted rapist William Tines was executed.